Healthcare Six Sigma Methodology Implementation

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M&S Consulting was selected to apply the Six Sigma methodology to process improvement and defect reduction in the healthcare industry. The client is part of a large healthcare system and brought M&S Consulting on board to help in their goal of making the Radiology Department a Center of Excellence.

Performance Evaluations Are In

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M&S Consulting recently participated in an independent performance review. The survey was created, administered, and scored by an independent third party called Open Ratings, on behalf of the federal government. We are pleased to report an overall score of 96 out of 100 possible points. We received 100% satisfaction ratings with regard to our business relations, personnel, and customer support facets. As a service provider committed to customer success, M&S is tremendously delighted that our customers feel that we are meeting and exceeding their expectations.

Healthcare Integration Solution – Oracle AIA and PIP

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Over the past weeks, M&S consultants have been working closely with Oracle and other leading service providers to develop a vertical AIA and PIP solution to integrate with Oracle Clinical. M&S is providing Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), SOA, Web Service Enablement, Application Integration Architecture (AIA), and Process Integration Pack (PIP) expertise in both architecture and development roles on the project.

Charlotte Commercial Appraisal Firm, Appraising Charlotte

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M&S Consulting has turned around a site with a fully functioning content management system for Charlotte, NC based commercial real estate appraisal firm, Appraising Charlotte. M&S Consulting is also providing infrastructure marketing, business, and strategy services to Appraising Charlotte to make it a leader in commercial real estate appraisals.