Installing APEX 4 on Windows Server 2003 64 bit edition with Oracle Database 11g

kevin.landonTechnical Tips6 Comments


This tutorial article and it’s associated video will help guide you through the process of installing APEX version 4.0 in a Windows Server 2003 64 bit OS environment with Oracle Database 11g R2 installed.

Tutorial Video


High Level steps

1. Create destination directory and extract APEX files. (0:20)
2. Login via SQLPLUS (1:13)
3. Install APEX 4.0. (1:58)
4. Change APEX ADMIN password (2:40)
5. Configure PL/SQL Gateway and unlock Anonymous User. (3:15)
6. Verify XML DB HTTP Port (4:04)
7. Enabling Network Services (4:32)
8. Enable Indexing on online help for 11g R2 (4:32)
9. Check Job Queue Processes and Shared Servers (6:45)
10. Check for Previous Releases and remove if needed. (7:00)
11. Remove Invalid ACL’s if needed (7:27)
12. Verify Install by logging in. (8:00)

Upgrading to APEX 4 on Oracle XE and Windows

kevin.landonTechnical Tips6 Comments


This tutorial article and it’s associated video will help guide you through the process of upgrading a previously installed version of Oracle APEX to APEX version 4.0. We are going to be running on a machine that has Oracle Express Edition 10g (XE) and APEX 3.2 installed on it, in a Windows XP Professional environment.

Tutorial Video


Oracle XE 10g Windows Install – Video Walkthrough Tutorial

kevin.landonTechnical Tips4 Comments

This tutorial article is meant to provide a visual guide to the process of installing Oracle express edition (XE) onto a Windows XP Professional computer. The video below contains the actual tutorial, while this document provides additional information and clickable links to the required software.


BPA Windows Install with XE

kevin.landonTechnical TipsLeave a Comment

I have just had a heck of a time with installing BPA (Architect) Evaluation on a Windows Server 2003 machine. There were no inherent issues with the product itself, but some gotchas that I thought I might point out. For the following, I assumed you are installing on a single machine for testing/evaluation purposes like I was.

For one, if you were familiar with BPA, there is no longer an auto-installable olite database option. You must use Oracle XE Universal (or better) and you should have it installed locally prior to installing BPA. Note: You should use XE Universal specifically so you get the AL32UTF8 character set that is expected by the BPA install.

After I got the character set squared away, I continued to receive a database connection error