NLP Cloud Platform Comparison

Lauren MarckTechnical TipsLeave a Comment

Last updated on July 24, 2018.
Published on July 24, 2018.

Choosing the right cloud platform for your business can be tricky and ultimately depends on what specific service-based capabilities you are looking for. To help identify platforms and services to evaluate for your Natural Language Processing (NLP) needs, we have compiled and categorized the related services from several leading cloud platform providers.

The cloud platform providers we evaluated are Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, and SAP. We looked at the services offered by each and matched up those that provide similar capabilities. Please see the table below.

NLP Cloud Platform Comparison

ServiceAWSGoogleIBMMicrosoft AzureOracleSalesforceSAP
Text to SpeechAmazon PollyCloud Text-to-SpeechWatson Text to SpeechBing Speech APIJava Speech API
Speech to TextAmazon TranscribeCloud Speech-to-TextWatson Speech to TextBing Speech API,
Speaker Recognition API (Preview),
Custom Speech Service (Preview)
Java Speech API
Language TranslationAmazon TranslateGoogle Cloud Translation APIWatson Language TranslatorTranslator Speech API,
Translator Text API
SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation
Text AnalysisAmazon ComprehendGoogle Natural Language APIWatson Natural Language UnderstandingText Analytics API,
Language Understanding (LUIS)
Einstein Sentiment
Conversation BotsAmazon LexDialogflow Enterprise EditionWatson Assistant (Formerly Watson Conversation)Azure Bot ServiceOracle Intelligent Bots ServiceEinstein BotSAP Conversational AI
Language ClassifierWatson Natural Language Classifier
Linguistic AnalysisWatson Tone AnalyzerLinguistic Analysis APIEinstein Sentiment
Spell CheckBing Spell Check APISAP Leonardo Conversational AI Foundation
Web Language ModelWeb Language Model API

Two common services provided are Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text. Typical capabilities for Text-to-Speech services include natural sounding voices, pitch tuning, speed control, and support for multiple languages. Speech-to-Text capabilities include easy-to-read, multiple language support, custom vocabulary, and ability to recognize multiple speakers.

Other common services are language translators, text analyzers, and conversation bot builders. The language translation services are used for secure, batch and real-time translations. Common capabilities for text analysis services are keyphrase extraction, sentiment analysis, entity recognition, language detection, and support for multiple languages. Conversation bots are conversational interfaces, also known as “chatbots.” We have seen significant growth in interest in chatbots over recent months.

IBM, Microsoft, and Salesforce offer linguistic analysis services. Linguistic analysis includes simplifying complex language concepts, parsing text, sentence separation and tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and constituency parsing. IBM also offers a language classifier for classifying text passages, evaluating results, and building conversational applications.

Microsoft and SAP both offer spell check services, which not only help correct spelling errors but also help recognize brand names and slang, as well as understand homophones. Microsoft also offers a web language model, for automating tasks, joint and conditional probabilities, and next word completions.

Click here to contact us if you would like to discuss how these NLP services can be effectively put to use to meet your project needs.

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