JazzHR Job Viewer

Post Install Instructions

  1. Navigate to Remote Site Settings by using the Quick search box under Salesforce Setup.
  2. Locate the setting labeled JazzHR and confirm Remote Site URL is current RESTful service URL for JazzHR. For example, https://api.resumatorapi.com
  3. Navigate to the JazzHR App.
  4. Click the Setup Tab.
  5. Input JobList URL, ApplicantList URL, Career Page, and API Key into the respective fields.
    1. JobList URL: https://api.resumatorapi.com/v1/jobs?apikey=
    2. ApplicantList URL: https://api.resumatorapi.com/v1/applicants?apikey=
    3. Career Page: https://‘yourcompany’.applytojob.com/
    4. Job Career Page: https://‘yourcompany’.applytojob.com/apply/
    5. API Key: This can be found under the Integration Tab in JazzHR settings
  6. Under the Object Manager Tab, navigate to the Opportunity Object.
  7. Edit the necessary page layout to include the JazzHR Table VF page. Make sure to allow scroll bars on the page layout.

Release Notes

v1.0 Initial Release

  • JazzHR Job Viewer displays available jobs and application count to the user right from the Opportunity. Users can search the list of jobs right in Salesforce, or quickly and easily link to the job in JazzHR.